News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, December 29, 2014

Flashback Monday: Scenes from Lake Anne

As we shudder through the winter cold, please to be enjoying this grainy video from a summer afternoon a long time ago, in a village center far, far away. Through the magic of "jump cuts," as the moviemaking kids probably haven't said since the MTV days, we are witness to countless tranquil scenes of everyday life at Lake Anne Plaza during the the heyday of Super 8 movies and earth-toned clothing. Mothers stroll with their children, shirtless teens row canoes while their younger siblings explore the plaza's brutalist concrete skull-cracking play features.

And then there are these young roughies at play on what may or may not have been the result of a construction error:

Jump off the pulpit
Inadvisable then, quite possibly dangerous now, thanks to the creatures of the deep that call Reston's lakes home. Or was something more sinister at play? Was that young man pushed?

The Cigarette Man Sunhat Lady isn't talking. But we think we're through the looking glass.

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