News and notes from Reston (tm).

Friday, September 14, 2007

Under, Over, or Never?

In the latest attempt to keep the Metro extension to Dulles alive in its vegetative state, a bipartisan group of Virginia politicians announced $300 million in cuts to the project. This includes axing a proposed parking garage in Reston, which means that if you want to park at the existing kiss-and-ride lot once the Wiehle Avenue station opens, you'll need to get there early. I'd go ahead and park now.

While we're waiting, we can always amuse yourself with the continuing sparring between the Under, Not Over crowd and state officials:

Kaine became angry at one point, telling a tunnel speaker: "Do not interrupt me." But he took a more conciliatory tone later, saying: "We have to make a call, and the call has to be made with a goal in mind. And the goal is this: This is an airport that should have been served by rail when it was built. To come back later now to do it -- I wish we didn't have to. But by gosh, we need to if we're going to have a quality of life that is worthwhile in this region."

By gosh! By golly! If we all give it what for, we'll have the line built by 1963!

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