News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, May 4, 2015

On the YouTubes: The Tetra Price is Wrong?

A Confidential Restonian Operative forwarded us this link to a YouTubes video about the ongoing referendum involving the RA's proposal to purchase the Tetra property on Lake Newport, voting on which closes this Friday. We're strangers to such things, but we believe we detect the faintest bit of sarcasm here.

Sponsored by the anonymous group of Restonians who oppose the purchase, this fancy video appears to have been produced by the same people behind the second-best video ever made about Reston. That video also focused on a contentious issue in the same part of town. Go figure!

Now, we're not savvy viral social media thought influencers, but we would have simply gone with this video, as one of our awesome commenters suggested:

Direct and to the point, plus some gratuitous violence thrown in for good measure. Advantage: Sandler.

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