News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, March 28, 2011

Meeting on Indoor Tennis Facility to Be Held in Park Almost Replaced By Indoor Tennis Facility

The Department of Irony Reston Association is holding a public meeting tonight on a proposed indoor tennis facility in the very park that was almost replaced by a proposed indoor tennis facility.
A public meeting to discuss the building program for a proposed indoor tennis facility will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 28 at Brown’s Chapel on Baron Cameron Avenue, Reston. Mike Miller, architect for the project, will be there to answer questions.
Of course, the new $3.8 million project, slated for the current site of the outdoor courts at Lake Newport, isn't quite as big or impressive as the original project. It also lacks a juicery, much to our disappointment, but we may be alone in that. The last we heard, the RA Board had set a timetable to make a decision on whether to go forward on the project, with the goal of giving a thumbs up or down to a referendum by the end of July. Such a referendum would cost $75,000, because helpful postcards and whatnot reminding people to vote aren't free. But this is a sign that the project is moving forward -- which is encouraging for supporters of indoor tennis, as the current RA Board had originally said it wasn't planning a referendum in 2011 and had been less than encouraging to supporters of the project, given financial realities and whatnot.

Given the fact that no one is disputing that there's a sizable demand for indoor facilities, we're definitely in favor of a referendum, though we'd like an extra box for the question that defines our era -- banana vs. strawberry smoothies, the end.


  1. RA borrows $4 million so 2,500 of it's most well-to-do can play indoors 4 months a year instead of driving to Herndon or Fairfax.

    When has RA ever done anything like this?

  2. Is Tennis only played by the well-to-do? As far as spots go, there is a very small initial capital outlay.

    If the net result will be an increase in my re-sale value, I might be for it.

    $4 million or so won't break our bank.

  3. That is "sports" not "spots"

    (Restonian, any chance of an 'edit' function coming to your filthy web-log any time soon?)

  4. RA has never borrowed $4 million for anything.

    Tennis isn't played only by the rich; just mostly by the rich. The demographic for tennis players skews toward the richest 15%.

    There is no peer reviewed study proving that an indoor tennis facility owned by an HOA has any impact on home values, positive or negative.

  5. USTA is very involved with outreach to get tennis to inner city kids . . . so any indoor facility ought to be built anywhere EXCEPT that little section of north reston that managed to avoid any section 8 housing. You know, that place where they killed the indoor facility last time this argument started? much money did we waste on the argument last time?

    Good thing we have a place like this filthy web log to talk about the issues. Where it doesn't cost money.

  6. I would agree to an indoor tennis facility IF, and ONLY IF . .

    RA does not take out any debt to pay for it . . .


    NO green space in Reston was sacrificed for this facility, not even an inch.

    Want to put it on an existing parking lot? Great, but don't take out a single tree for this.

    Green space, especially with the Metro coming and additional Restonites, is sacred.

    When I take the kids to whack a few balls around on the tennis courts close to us, there is absolutely no one else ever there.

    Heads, up candidates . . .

  7. Lets break out the torches and pitchforks!

  8. Dryad,

    The plans are to place it on the site where there are already courts in Northpoint.

    Taking out debt is not such a bad thing, given that interest rates are remaining so low.

    The $ has to come from somewhere. An indoor facility though does seem more of a boondoggle than a real amenity for all of Reston.

    On a side note: I wish they's stop redesigning pools and making them a two lap lanes and a gigantic wading area.

  9. Everyone came out against this stupid facility before, now they're just grasping at straws so they can push for their little architect and $4 mil. RA is run by idiots.


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