News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, July 28, 2008

Redistricting Fever: Score One for the Bratz

That awesome $135,000-plus lawsuit by pro-school booster club FairfaxCAPS asking a Fairfax County judge to stop the school system from redistricting South Lakes High School by physically picking the school up on a tractor trailer and moving it to Prince William County? Not so much.

A judge ruled in favor Monday of Fairfax County's school redistricting plan after a lawsuit was filed to stop it.

Under the plan approved by the school board, some students at Oakton, Madison and Westfield high schools will attend South Lakes High School in Reston. The school, which is being renovated, is several hundred students under capacity.

School officials said students need to be moved to keep academic programs strong, but some parents said they do not want their children to be transferred.

Some parents sued, saying they didn't have enough input in the plan.
In the meantime, the pro-school supporters of the lawsuit seem to be turning on each other:
Appeal on what grounds? Just didn't like the decision? This isn't a jury trial. Plus CAPS would have to come up with another $50,000? Where would they get that?

I still want to see exactly how $140,000 dollars was spent? How many CAPS members took some of that money? So called administrative costs?

Why doesn't CAPS publish their financial records? Sounds like a big scam to me?

Unless you spent money on the lawsuit, and I doubt you did (SLPTA), then I don't think it is any of your business. If I wanted to go burn my greenbacks in the backyard, it is also none of your business. Commenting on someone else's wastefulness seems like a very arrogant thing to do.

Some of these CAPS people are as nasty as the South Lakes PTA people-it is hard to have sympathy for either camp. The self-righteousness is tiresome.
Agreed. Now we can all get back to worrying about what's really important: the band programs.

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