News and notes from Reston (tm).

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Reston Town Center to Reston: Drop Dead

Buried in the news of an awesome planned event at which backers of making Reston a town handed over their 3,600-signature petition to elected officials was a bit of bad news: The Reston Town Center Association doesn't want to come out and play.

In response to the letter, the Town Center Association said it would not be interested in transferring assets to a town. [Reston Citizens Association President Mike] Corrigan called the answer a “knee-jerk” reaction and disputed the necessity of having the community organizations on board.

“Do they get to veto as to whether we get to vote on being a town? No,” he said.
RCA also basically called the other groups chicken, saying they didn't want to support such a proposal until it looked like it might actually succeed. Maybe, but elected officials have said all along that the proposal, which would put the town status question to a referendum, assuming it's not totally illegal in the first place, needs input and support from other groups.
“We have some very high hurdles to overcome for this to go forward,” State Senator Janet Howell (D-Reston) said. “The only possibility of success is having a unified Reston.”
I think another great leader, paraphrased only slightly, said it best: A mauve-colored planned real estate development divided against itself cannot stand.

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