News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, April 15, 2024

Don't Quit Your Day Jobs, And We Won't Start Sliding Down Poles In Our Spare Time

Good on Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Station 25 for having a little fun with the decades-in-the-making infrastructure rising in the background. We admit our own "humorous" "web logging" has been only slightly more expeditious than the entire saga of getting the W&OD trail bike bridge over Wiehle Avenue approved and built, but geez, guys, can't you keep your fire trucks and ambulances in your own lane?

We kid, we kid. What we're not kidding about is we still have months to go before our overcaffeinated cadre of cyclists can slap on the spandex and whip over the intersection with Wiehle without stopping.... as opposed to slapping on the spandex and whipping through the intersection with Wiehle without stopping, the end. 


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