News and notes from Reston (tm).

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lake Thoreau Shocker: Another Hell-Cursed Creature of the Deep, Or Maybe Some Dead Fish or Something

When we tried to sound the warning about the hellish creature lurking underneath the surface of Lake Anne, people laughed at us. Now another brave Reston "web logger" is attempting to let the truth be known about these hellspawn creatures of the deep, this one under the otherwise placid surface of Lake Thoreau. Behold the picture, you naysayers, and fear the lake!


Here's what our intrepid eyewitness had to say:
Unfortunately I only took a still and not a video image of our possible “Nessie”… two days after this photo, we had two or three floating (and very dead) and very large grass carp.

There is also a possibility that our “Nessie” picture is of two large turtles fighting or mating. Another person (Tom) says he has seen something like our “Nessie” candidate above when he has been kayaking over the deeper section of the lake in front of our townhouses…. the mystery continues.
The same "web logger" documented another freak of nature on the lake, so maybe we'd better start checking what's being poured into the storm drains.

On the bright side, we've heard that Lake Audobon may be used as the setting for this upcoming period drama:


  1. What about this other mysterious hell-beast that has just cropped up in Reston: the new Comcast on-screen guide. It's terrible. Looks horrible, and displays much less information than before. What an upgrade...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3.'s a Wumpavoid created by the tons of fertilizer running off all the nicely manacured lawns. The water is green today, so expect more to crop up.


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