News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, November 19, 2007


With little fanfare or discussion, the Reston Association approved its budget for the upcoming year, including an increase in assessment fees from $437 to $475 in 2008 and $483 in 2009.

At-Large Director Joe Leighton was the sole vote against approving the budget, based on what he said was an unacceptable increase of the assessment rates.
An unusual number of people turned up to the meeting. You'd think they were there because of the 9 percent increase in assessments, right? Think again.
The board heard a greater number of members speak than usual, with a large majority of them, 11, appearing before the board to champion an indoor tennis facility.

The board has included two referendums in the budget, one of which will address an indoor recreational facility, though it is not specified to include tennis. The board will decide what type of facility will be presented on the referendum in the winter of 2008.

Jerry Katz, a resident of Reston for 27 years, urged the board to begin work on a referendum as soon as possible.

“It's even a joke now amongst tennis players. You mention indoor tennis and they roll their eyes,” he said.
Oh, goody! Another possible referendum! If we're really lucky, we might start giving California a run for its money!

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