Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Plague? What Plague? Microsoft To Bring 1,500 New Jobs to Reston Town Center in Office and Retail Space That Presumably Will Be Used Someday

Sure we're in the midst of a global pandemic and economic depression, but even under those conditions, no one can deny the vague yet undeniable drawing power of Reston. Microsoft announced today it is dramatically expanding its Reston footprint, moving into 400,000 square feet of office space in Reston Town Center. Give us some good blockquote, BFFs at the Fairfax Economic Development Authority:
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam today announced that Microsoft Corp., a worldwide leader in software, services, devices, and solutions, will invest $64 million to establish a new software development and R&D regional hub in Fairfax County, which will create 1,500 new jobs. The company will occupy 400,000 square feet in Reston for its future software development efforts with plans to include a new retail space for engaging directly with customers. [snip]

“Virginia, like the rest of the nation, is facing unprecedented job loss due to COVID-19, so this announcement couldn’t come at a better time,” said Governor Northam. “Microsoft Corp. and Virginia share a strong history, and we are proud that this major operation in Fairfax County will add to the company’s significant job count across our Commonwealth. Virginia is a leader in the information technology industry, and Microsoft’s continued investment here is a testament to our top-ranked business climate, infrastructure, and world-class workforce.”

That's a lot of words, so here's a helpful press release distilled into video form:

Microsoft is moving to Two Freedom Drive, the muavescraper vacated earlier this year by Leidos when it moved to the new, glassier office high rise at the other end of RTC. It's planning a retail store in the building, which will essentially be caddy-corner from Apple's expanded storefront, assuming indoor retail ever becomes, you know, a thing again. Microsoft is also maintaining its existing 150,000 square feet of office space across the pedestrian bridge from RTC, so we guess all the talk about tech companies basically making their workforces remote forever and operating their headquarters out of a utility closet with a post office box may be a bit... premature.

Either way, it's a big win for the region, for Reston, and for (shudder) Boston Properties, giving them their best PR win in recent memory. Who knows, maybe Microsoft can apply some of its technical know-how to fixing the (awesome and much loved) RTC parking app:

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